E disse-lhes: ide por todo o mundo, pregai o evangelho a toda a criatura. Quem crer e for batizado será salvo; mas quem não crer será condenado.
E estes sinais seguirão aos que crerem: Em meu nome expulsarão demônios; falrão novas linguas;
Pegarão nas serpentes; e , se beberem alguma coisa mortífera, não lhes fará dano algum; e porão as mãos sobre os enfermos, e os curarão. Mc 16 15:18
Missões: Quantos de nós evangélicos nos entitulamos missionários, quantos nos achamos missionários, e quantos fazemos a verdadeira missão. Eu vou contar aqui um pouco do que conheço do rapaz da foto, o Dênnis Bonifácio. Logo que o conheci achei graça em seus olhos, por ser brincalhão e ao mesmo tempo sério com as coisas de Deus, trabalhando na obra, com os dons que Deus lhe deu, a música, a palavra e outros que o Espírito Santo ainda revelará. Eis aqui um missionário que aceitou o desafio, com 16 anos está preparado para deixar o Brasil e fazer aquilo que Jesus ordenou, ele vai para a Ásia, em um projeto intitulado Uniásia.
Como muitos sabem, a Ásia e a África, bem como outros países de minoria cristã, são os piores lugares para se anunciar as boas novas de Jesus. Nestes lugares cristãos são perseguidos, comunidades inteiras dizimadas, tem que viver escondidos.
Eu lhe pergunto, teria coragem de abdicar de seu conforto dentro de suas casas e igrejas ostentando nome de missionários para se deslocar a um desses países.
É meus irmãos, examine-se o homem a sí mesmo. O que este rapaz está fazendo não é para qualquer um de nós, é apenas para aqueles que tem coragem de não negar o nome de Jesus, seja a tempo e a fora de tempo.
Eu parabenizo o irmão Dennis pela coragem e perseverança, e desde já deixo um canal aberto neste blog, para que de onde ele estiver possa fazer postagens do seu dia-a-dia pelo mundo para que não percamos o contato e possamos ajuda-lo da melhor forma o possível.
Vou pegar mais detalhes com ele sobre o projeto e como podemos ajuda-lo.
Conto com todos os irmãos que se dizem servos do Senhor Jesus a ajudá-lo .
Em breve maiores informações.
Que a paz do Senhor Jesus seja com todos .
Visitem o projeto http://www.mhorizontes.org.br/uniasia
Visitem o projeto http://www.mhorizontes.org.br/uniasia
And he said unto them, go around the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be damned.And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name cast out demons; falrão new tongues;They shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, not hurt them, and put their hands on the sick, and they shall recover. Mc 16 15:18
Missions: How many of us in evangelical missionaries titled, how we see ourselves as missionaries, and how do the real mission. I'll tell you here rather than know the boy's photo, Dennis Boniface. As soon as I met him I have found favor in his eyes, being playful and serious at the same time with the things of God, working on the project, with the gifts God gave him, music, word and others that the Holy Spirit has revealed. Here is a missionary who accepted the challenge, 16 years is ready to leave Brazil and do what Jesus commanded, he goes to Asia, a project entitled Unias.As many know, Asia and Africa, as well as other countries of the Christian minority, are the worst places to announce the good news of Jesus. In these places Christians are persecuted, wiped out entire communities, have to live in hiding.I ask you, have the courage to give up their comfort in their homes and churches bearing the name of missionaries to travel to one of these countries.It's my brothers, examine the man himself. What this guy is doing is not for any one of us is only for those who have the courage to not deny the name of Jesus, is the time and out of time.I congratulate the brother Dennis for the courage and perseverance, and now I leave a channel open on this blog, so that is where he can make posts on your day-to-day by the world not to lose contact and can help you to the best way possible.I'll get more details from him about the project and how we can help you.I count on all the brothers who call themselves servants of the Lord Jesus to help him.More info soon.May the peace of the Lord Jesus be with all.
Visit the project http://www.mhorizontes.org.br/uniasia
And he said unto them, go around the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be damned.And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name cast out demons; falrão new tongues;They shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, not hurt them, and put their hands on the sick, and they shall recover. Mc 16 15:18
Missions: How many of us in evangelical missionaries titled, how we see ourselves as missionaries, and how do the real mission. I'll tell you here rather than know the boy's photo, Dennis Boniface. As soon as I met him I have found favor in his eyes, being playful and serious at the same time with the things of God, working on the project, with the gifts God gave him, music, word and others that the Holy Spirit has revealed. Here is a missionary who accepted the challenge, 16 years is ready to leave Brazil and do what Jesus commanded, he goes to Asia, a project entitled Unias.As many know, Asia and Africa, as well as other countries of the Christian minority, are the worst places to announce the good news of Jesus. In these places Christians are persecuted, wiped out entire communities, have to live in hiding.I ask you, have the courage to give up their comfort in their homes and churches bearing the name of missionaries to travel to one of these countries.It's my brothers, examine the man himself. What this guy is doing is not for any one of us is only for those who have the courage to not deny the name of Jesus, is the time and out of time.I congratulate the brother Dennis for the courage and perseverance, and now I leave a channel open on this blog, so that is where he can make posts on your day-to-day by the world not to lose contact and can help you to the best way possible.I'll get more details from him about the project and how we can help you.I count on all the brothers who call themselves servants of the Lord Jesus to help him.More info soon.May the peace of the Lord Jesus be with all.
Visit the project http://www.mhorizontes.org.br/uniasia
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