In the Bible, God is called by various names: Elohim (אֱלוֹהִים), which means "God"; Eloah (אֱלוֹהַּ), which means "God", EL (אֵל), which means "God"; ELION (עֶלְיוֹן), which means "Most High"; Shaday (שַׁדַּי), which means "Almighty"; ADONAY (אֲדוֹנָי), meaning "Lord" and Yahveh (יַהְוֶה), which means "It does exist."
This last name, Yahweh, is the only name that really is the name of God. Other names are more titles than names properly.
This name is derived from the causative form of the Hebrew verb Havah (הָוָה), which means "being" or "exist".
The name Yahweh means "He does exist."
The name Yahweh appears many times in the Tanach (Old Testament).
This name is considered the most sacred names of God.
However, in most translations of the Bible, where it appears the name Yahweh, the name is replaced by the word "Lord" or the word "God."
This happens because:
From the third century BC, the Jews ceased to pronounce the sacred name of God, Yahweh, because they thought it would be a profanation to pronounce it, so when they read the Bible where Yahweh was written, they pronounced ADONAY, which means"Lord." For this reason, when the Bible was translated into Greek, where it appeared the sacred name Yahweh, they put KYRIOS, which in Greek means "Lord." Later, when translating the Bible into Latin, where it appeared the sacred name, they put "Dominus," which means "Lord", and then, when translated into Portuguese, put "Sir".
In some more modern translations, which appears the name Yahweh, they put the LORD with all capital letters, so that the reader knows that there the word LORD is replacing the sacred name of God, Yahweh. And when in the original Bible in Hebrew, the name ADONAY, they put the Lord, with only the initial capital.
The name Yahweh, when adapted to Portuguese, is YAHWEH, or JAEVÉ. This is because in Hebrew the name is pronounced Yahweh or YAHEVEH as to rule more quickly or more pauses.
Some people pronounce the sacred name of God as yehovah, and adapted into Portuguese as GOD. However, the right pronunciation is Yahweh.
This difference in pronunciation occurred for the following reasons:
The Tanach (Old Testament) was written in Hebrew.
In the Hebrew alphabet, originally, there were no vowels, only consonants existed. It was not necessary to write the vowels, because people who know Hebrew, read the text well written with only consonants, and even the roots of words in Hebrew are composed only of consonants that are voiced in various ways, forform verbs, nouns, adjectives, etc..
When the Jews ceased to pronounce the name Yahweh, the name continued to be pronounced by the priests in the Temple, when the people blessed with the priestly blessing (Numbers 4:24-26). So the real pronunciation of the sacred name remained unknown.
However, in 70 AD, the temple of God was destroyed by the Romans and then the Jews left completely to pronounce the sacred name of God, and so, gradually, the true pronunciation was falling into oblivion, although the Jewish tradition say that some rabbis over the centuries, knew the true pronunciation of the sacred name of God, which is also called the sacred Tetragrammaton, it is composed of four consonants: YHWH (יהוה).
At the same time that God's Temple was destroyed, the city of Jerusalem was also destroyed, and Jews were expelled from their land and were scattered among the nations.
Therefore, the Jews ceased to speak Hebrew in day to day, and started using the Hebrew language only to pray and read the Bible and to write commentaries on the Bible.
As a result, began to rise the risk of anyone else know the correct pronunciation of the text of the Bible.
Then the Jews invented some signs consisting of dots and dashes, which are placed under or above the consonants, which represent the vowels and vowel signs put these throughout the text of the Tanach (Old Testament).
Which appeared as they pronounced the name Yahveh ADONAY, then they put the consonants of the name Yahveh ADONAY of vowels, and this meant that the form arose yehovah.
However, two ancient Christian Greek writers, one called Clement of Alexandria, Theodoret, and another called, wrote the holy name of God in Greek letters. Clement of Alexandria wrote IAOUE, [1] pronounced EUWI, as in Greek is pronounced OR U, and Theodoret wrote IABE, pronounced IAVE, because in Greek the letter B is pronounced V [2] [3] The Hebrew letter vav, which corresponds to our v, was originally pronounced with the sound of u, so sometimes the Hebrew letter vav is used to represent the sound of u. Therefore, some transliterate the letter vav as w, and not see
Clement of Alexandria wrote about the year 215 AD, and Theodoret wrote about the year 466 AD
By the time they wrote, even if he knew the correct pronunciation of the sacred name of God. As they wrote in Greek letters, and there are vowels in the Greek alphabet, we learn that the correct pronunciation of God's name is Yahweh (יַהְוֶה).
Also, it is interesting to note that Jews, who had previously used when the word Adonai to replace the name Yahweh in Bible reading and prayer, a certain time here began to use for this purpose, the word HASHEM, which means " The Name. "
It is possible that the rabbis who still knew the true pronunciation of the name of God has encouraged Jews to wear the word HASHEM well to keep the memory of the true vowels of the sacred name of God, for the vowels of the same vowels are HASHEM of Yahveh.
It is possible that they have done this knowing that it is necessary to preserve the true pronunciation of the name of God, for God's Temple in Jerusalem will be rebuilt soon, and then the priests will have to use the sacred name of God, Yahweh, to bless the people with the priestly blessing (Numbers 6:22-27), as in Numbers 6:27 it is written that God said, "And they shall put My Name upon the children of Israel, and I will bless them."
There is also an abbreviated form of the name of God, which is YAH (יָהּ). This name is the same name Yahweh, but abbreviated. It occurs mainly in poetic texts, for example, the song of Moses (Exodus 15:2), and Psalm 118, verse 5.
This form also appears in abbreviated YAH YAH HALELU expression, which is adapted to the Portuguese as ALELUIA, which means "Praise YAH A".
In the Name YAH, the final H is pronounced as an aspirated H.Therefore, the pronunciation of this name is Yahe.
This name, to be adapted to Portuguese, is JAE.
The fact that the vowel in this abbreviated form of the name of God be shown that the first vowel in the name of God is A, which shows that the true pronunciation of God's name is Yahweh (יַהְוֶה).
There are several names in the Bible of people who are trained with abbreviated forms of the name of God. Examples: Yesha'yáhu (Isaiah), Jeremiah (Jeremiah), Netanyahu (Nethaniah), Yehoshua (Joshua), Yehochanân (Johanan, or John), Yehoshafat (Jehoshaphat).
In some names, the abbreviated form of the name of God appears at the end of the word, and in others, the abbreviated form of the name of God appears at the beginning of the word.
The abbreviated form of God's name that appears at the end of names is "Yahu (יָהוּ).
The abbreviated form of God's name that appears at the beginning of proper names is yeho (יְהווֹ).
In Hebrew, the vowels of the word change when word gets a suffix.
For example: The word "Sefer" (book), to receive the suffix "im" to the plural is "Sefarim" (Books).
Another example: The word "davar" (word), to receive the suffix "Khem" (suffix of the personal pronoun of second person plural), is "divreikhêm" (your words).
So to know what were the original members of God's name, we should depend on the abbreviated form of the name of God that appears at the end of proper names, which is "yahu" (examples: Yesha'yáhu, Jeremiah, Netanyahu).
"Yahu" is a shortened form of "Yahevéh", and "Yehi" is a shortened form of "yiheyéh).
Therefore, the name of God is "Yahevéh", a name that, when pronounced quickly, it is pronounced "Yahweh".
The abbreviated form "yeho," which appears at the beginning of several names (eg, Yehoshua, Yehochanân, Yehoshafat) is the same abbreviated form "Yahu," which had their vowels changed because it was added to a suffix , which is the second part of the name (in the above examples, "Shuai", "chanan" and "shafát).
When the Jews ceased to pronounce the name of God, in the third century BC, made a big mistake.
They ceased to pronounce the name of God, why have misconstrued the commandment of God in Exodus 20:7, and thought that this commandment means we must not pronounce the name of God in vain.
However, the true meaning of this commandment is another.
The correct translation of Exodus 20:7, is: "DO NOT RAISE THE NAME OF YAHWEH THY GOD for falsehood."
This means that we should not use God's name to deceive our neighbor, swearing by the name of God and disobeying their oath.
That means when we swear by the name of God, we must fulfill the oath.
God has ordered us let's take their name, as written in Deuteronomy 6:13: "Thou shalt fear the Lord your God and serve Him, and swear by His Name."
And in Psalm 105, verse 1, it is written: "Praise to the Lord, call upon His name."
Therefore, we see that God wants us to pronounce his name.
In Exodus 23:13 it is written: "AND ALL THAT YOU HAVE SAID, beware, AND THE NAME OF OTHER GODS neither remember, IF NOT HEAR OF YOUR MOUTH."
Therefore, we see that God wants us to pronounce the names of other gods, false gods, who are demons (Deuteronomy 32:17), and we see that God tells us not to pronounce the name of someone is a demonstration of execration, and no respect.
Thus, it appears that God wants us to pronounce the name of Him, and let's take the name of Him, and fulfill the oaths.
When Jesus Christ (Yeshua haMashiach) began to preach and teach, he was unable to restore the practice of pronouncing the name of God, because at that time the religious leaders of Israel punished with death those who speak out the name of God, unlessthe priests at the Temple to bless the people.
Therefore, if Jesus Christ pronounced the name of God in their preaching, he had been killed early on, and would not have time to spend it in the teachings that are written in the authentic text of the Gospel according to Matthew.
But as today's religious leaders no longer condemn to death those who violate the rules established by them, we can just re-pronounce the name of God, as did Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, and all the prophets.
It is written in Joel 3:5 (in some Bibles is 2:32): "And in that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved."
So we need to pronounce and call upon the name of the Lord to be saved.
There are some people who say that one should not adapt the name Yahweh to other languages. However, this adaptation is necessary because each language has its phonetic system, and there are some phonemes (sounds) that exist in one language, but in no other language.
For example: In Portuguese, there is no semi-vowel Y as in the beginning of the syllable, but only as a vowel.
Therefore, if we fail to adapt to the name Yahweh Yahweh, most people will pronounce Y-AH-VEH, with three syllables, which is wrong, because there is a semi-vowel Y, and works as a consonant, so that YAH is one syllable, and the sacred name is pronounced YAH-VEH, with only two syllables, or YA-HS-VEH, if more pronounced paused.
Moreover, people would not pronounce the H in there sucked through the word, so that in any way the pronunciation was incorrect.
Moreover, if we did not adapt to the Portuguese people would find strange spelling Yahveh, and would not know how to pronounce, and would not answer, or avoiding comment.
As God is the Creator of all nations and all nations shall worship him, then his name should be adapted for all languages.
It was God himself who made the confusion of tongues, as seen in Gênesis11 :1-9, so that He knows perfectly well that every people has its language and its phonetic system different from other people, which makes it necessary to adapt the names themselves from one language to another, so that people can pronounce them.
So, here in Brazil we can pronounce the name of God in their shapes adapted to the Portuguese language, which is Yahweh, and Jae Jaevé.
For more details on this subject, see also page called THE NAME OF GOD IS YÁOHU?
That the Lord (Yahweh) bless you.
John Paul Fernandes Pontes.
Published on December 30, 2003.
Updated September 7, 2010.
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